a business degree is useless because
you learn nothing.
18 year old kid, read a textbook about "how to manage people". Pointless. How to manage people is something you learn from the real life experience. Nothing from the textbook. It's a bogus.
An introduction of accounting... Why the hell you need to learn accounting even though you don't want to be an accountant ? After the completion of the course, do you actually remember what the balance sheet is ? I don't. even though I studied hard.
Financial management. What is the point of learning how to calculate present value by "HAND" ????? In the real life, you have a financial calculator, even more useful, computers...who the hell do actually calculate the value of the stocks by hand ? USELESS subject.
Business law...ok. it's ok to capture the basic concept of business law, but do you actually remember those after the completion of the class ?
From those subjects...what did you actually learn ??? probably you forgot everything.
that's how i feel about the business degree. I just thought that degree is so useless. university itself is bogus, it is just pretending like a pure educational institution, but it's actually a business firm seeking massive profits. look at the way our uni trying to capture as many international students as they can... it is a business. it's not an educational institution. look at the financial management class... 300-400 people for one professor.
so university is bogus. business degree at the undergrad is useless.
i'm glad that i switched to economics degree. that's something more useful. I love learning about banking sector. i am just interested in those area. so i read a lot, i learn it by myself and it's just fun.
micro, macro economics. useful. you can understand how the economy works. that's something you should know. tax cut ? government expenditure ? Unemployment rate ? those are something you actually really need to know.
if you can think like an economist...you win. Look at all the ceos in the famous companies. many of them are majored in economics...
ecoomics is awesome. it's a hard degree, but it worths it. i can get a lucrative job like at the investment banks...
i'm doing a little research about credit crunch, northern rock, bear stearns...i'm sure they will be on the exam.
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