
articulate myself

i want to go to the law school in the future. maybe when i become 25.
many of the world class leaders has J.D, and makes me feel like the law education is the essential for the leadership role. the law students are trained to make arguments which is pretty important for the negotiations in the business.
barak obama has J.D, the CEO of Goldman Sachs has J.D. Everybody has JD and I want it too. if I could go to the law school , i only want to go to one of the Ivy Leagues, Oxford, Cambridge,,, at least McGill. Otherwise no point.

everybody has bachelors and it is absolutely worthless, it's like an high high school education. i've got to do further education.

i decided to write in english because my english writing skill is very poor. I want to improve my english skill and articulate myself. my canadian friend told me that i should read the editorial sections of the news papers and start writing anything in english. i need to articulate myself. in fact, i need to impress people, i need to convince people. so i need a good english skill.

today, the ramadan finished. my malaysian friends invited me to the celebration. they told me that it is the biggest celebrations in a year and some of the malaysians even went back to malaysia to celebrate. that's how important it is. i really liked the hospitality of malaysian people. they are so kind to me and welcoming. Unlike Australians. If I go to the Australian party, they never welcome me and in fact they are all drunk and no one reall talks. malaysians are always welcoming and smiling and they talk to me and it's so much easier to get along with them. maybe because i am from japan and i am asian ? it's very hard.
one of the malaysian friends told me that if i take off my glasses, i look more handsome. that comment made me happy. she was a nice person.

anyways, i haven't studied much lately. i am actually worried.
i am studing stats a lot now. and i am going to read a text book of micro economics from now.

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